The action begins when Audrey and Hugh, on their first public outing together in Vauxhall Gardens, stumble upon a murder victim. The victim, someone they know, is soon connected to a missing person case that Hugh and Audrey were already looking into. Audrey and Hugh soon bring in their friends and servants to help unravel the puzzle, but will stepping into a viper’s nest of evil cost them one of their own?
I can’t even remember how I came across this series, but I am so glad I did! The mysteries are intriguing and the characters are complex. The pacing for each story is excellent and the threads that tie the series together are clear to the reader. “Taken to the Grave” is an excellent series finale. This will be a series that I re-read.
This book is great for those who enjoy historical mystery stories, historical mystery series, and historical mystery romances. Though Devlin includes some backstory, this is best read after the reader has read the other stories in the series.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.